Citywide “carbon free” energy purchased in bulk Back to Menu Of Solutions

Help reduce the negative impacts of climate change and improve the quality of the air you breathe by having your city purchase electricity in bulk for its residents and participating businesses that is generated from carbon free energy

Citywide “carbon free” energy purchased in bulk: Help reduce the negative impacts of climate change and improve the quality of the air you breathe by having your city purchase electricity in bulk for its residents and participating businesses that is generated from carbon free energy.

Citywide “carbon free” energy purchased in bulk: We are all aware of the problems of carbon emissions and the devastating impacts on our environment of rising temperatures.  It has been demonstrated by scientific study that part of this warming trend is due to the burning of fossil fuels and the release of greenhouse gases. Using carbon free energy to provide electricity lessens the production of greenhouse gases and mitigates climate change impacts.  You can advance an ordinance for adoption in your city that authorizes the city to purchase “electricity” in bulk that comes from carbon free energy to serve all city residents, participating businesses and city government needs.  All will benefit from cleaner air and a model program for the fight against the negative impacts of climate change.

Use these materials to advance this solution in your city: